Protocolo 36 - page 32

—¿Hoy en día cómo percibe la relación entre Es-
tados Unidos y Líbano?
—Estados Unidos con Líbano siempre ha sido
injusto, pues siempre decía: “yo apoyo la inde-
pendencia de Líbano y su frontera”, sin embar-
go, fuimos invadidos muchas veces y Estados
Unidos no movió un dedo.
“En 2006, durante la guerra de Líbano que
duró 35 días, Estados Unidos nunca aceptó
que se detuviera el bombardeo. Y esto no es
nada más en Líbano, aquí (en México) nos
piden que cuidemos la frontera del narcotráfico
pero ellos son quienes mandan a la delincuen-
cia organizada todas las armas. Apenas hace
unos días leí en el periódico que la delincuencia
ya obtuvo armamento pesado, ¿de dónde lo
trajeron?, no creo que de la Luna.
“Ellos para declarar son muy buenos, pero
para actuar y cumplir su palabra es muy difícil.
Sabemos cómo se trata a nuestros paisanos
mexicanos en la frontera, ahora ya saben lo
que pasa en Arizona, siempre se habla de la
amistad con México y América Latina, pero
esto sólo existe en los papeles, son palabras
en el aire, pero no en la práctica. Ahora hay
grupos que cazan a los humanos como ani-
males, los matan para enterrarlos.
“Desgraciadamente son cosas que nos mo-
lestan, nos sentimos muy incómodos con esto
que está pasando. Recibí una invitación para
asistir a una reunión de líderes religiosos en
Estados Unidos, pero no voy a ir, para qué...”
Y sentenció que se necesitan hombres como el
presidente de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva,
que tomen decisiones contundentes frente a las
medidas que impone Estados Unidos, y ejempli-
ficó: “cuando los norteamericanos comenzaron
a tomar huellas a los brasileños para ingresar
a Estados Unidos, Lula dijo: ‘nosotros también
tomaremos huellas de los americanos’”. Asi-
mismo, abundó en que los estadounidenses
imponen visa a los mexicanos, y nosotros no
les pedimos a ellos. “Deberíamos protestar de
la misma manera. Conozco muchos que tienen
propiedades en Estados Unidos y les niegan la
visa. Por eso, yo ni un centavo meto en Esta-
dos Unidos”, finalizó.
“We are used to welcome tourism; Lebanese food is very good as well as the attention shown in restau-
rants and shops where one gets excellent personal attention even if one does not buy anything at all. At
commercial establishments, people are immediately welcomed with a lemonade or coffee, something
you never see in other places such as the United States. Over there, you go to a store to spend money and
one is not treated as it should be, because unlike other nations, Lebanon does cherish human values.
—Nowadays, how does it perceive the relation between United States and Lebanon?
—The United States has always been unfair with Lebanon, although it always declares that “we
support the Lebanon’s independence and its border. Nevertheless, we were invaded many times
and the US did not move a finger. In 2006, during the Lebanon war that lasted 35 days, the United
States never accepted to stop the bombardment. And this happens not only in Lebanon. Here in
Mexico, they ask us to secure the border from drug trafficking, but they send all the weapons to
organized crime. A few days ago I read in the newspaper that delinquency has obtained heavy
armament, where did they get it from?, I do not believe it was in the Moon.
"They are very good for making statements, but it is very difficult for them to act and keep their
word. We know how our Mexican countrymen are treated at the border, and now we known what
is going on in Arizona. They always talk about their friendship with Mexico and Latin America,
but this only exists in paper, words in the air, but not in the practice. Now there are groups that
hunt human beings like animals, they kill them to bury them.
"Unfortunately these are things that bother us, we feel very uncomfortable with what is happening. I
received an invitation to attend a religious leader’s meeting in the US, but I will not go… what for?.
And he stated that men like the the Brazilian President, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, are needed to-
day to take forceful decisions against the measures imposed by the United States, and exemplified:
"When Americans began taking Brazilian’s fingerprints so that they could enter the country, Lula
said: "We will also take their fingerprints”. He added that the Americans impose visas for Mexi-
cans, while we do not ask them to also have visas to enter México. "We should protest in the same
way. I know many people who have properties in the USA and they are denied a visa. Therefore I
will not spend a penny in the USA”, "he concluded.
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