Protocolo 33 - page 55

¿Qué gastos están incluidos en la mensualidad?
El inquilino debe pagar por ley todos los servicios cuyo consumo se determine con medidor: agua, luz,
gas, teléfono, así como servicios adicionales contratados por el mismo o que ya existieran previamente
en el inmueble y que el inquilino continúe su uso como televisión de paga, etcétera.
Otros gastos del inmueble corren, en principio, por cuenta del propietario, pero puede establecerse su
abono por el inquilino. Es el caso de gastos por mantenimiento, limpieza del inmueble, vigilancia, entre
otros. Es muy importante fijar en el contrato que será el inquilino quien deberá cubrir estos gastos.
y obras
Respecto de las reparaciones, el casero está obligado a realizar todas las necesarias para conservar
la vivienda en condiciones de habitabilidad, salvo cuando el deterioro lo cause el inquilino. Éste podrá,
previa comunicación al propietario, realizar las que sean urgentes para evitar un daño inminente,
repercutiendo su costo al arrendador.
Las pequeñas reparaciones, consecuencia del uso ordinario de la vivienda, serán a cargo del inquilino.
The price of rent can only be adjusted one year after the lease agreement is signed, regardless of whether or
not it was signed for a longer or a shorter term.
What expenses does the monthly lease amount cover?
The tenant is required by law to pay for all utilities that are measured with a meter such as, water, electricity,
gas, telephone, and additional services that are contracted by the tenant himself or that were previously
contracted for the property and that the leaseholder continues to use, such as pay TV, et cetera.
The landlord generally pays for all other property expenses, in principle, although the renter can agree
to pay said expenses and then deduct them from the rent. Such is the case of maintenance, cleaning, and
surveillance fees, among others. It is very important to clearly establish in the contract, that the tenant will
cover these expenses.
and work
is done on
With respect to repairs, the landlord is duty-bound to make all of the repairs that are needed to keep the
property in livable conditions, except when the tenant is responsible for the damages caused to the dwelling.
The leaseholder could cover any repairs that are urgently needed to prevent an imminent damage and then
charge the landlord for the cost of said repairs, provided the parties agree to this arrangement.
The leaseholder must pay for all minor repairs resulting from wear and tear caused by ordinary use of the
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